Patel Motors in Sugar Land is specialized in Scheduled Maintenance or General Car Servicing and Car Service Station. They are servicing throughout the United States and Canada. Some of the other services they are well trained are Body Work, Frame Work and Paint Work. Patel Motors is opened on all days of the week excluding Sunday. On weekdays they can be reached from 7:30 to 18:00 and on Saturday from 7:30 to 13:00. Many of the people think that Auto Maintenance and Repair is not fun or comfortable. So, Patel Motors wants them to make the process as easy as possible and also enjoyable for you. They honestly care about your Car and your experience, which reflects in their work. Their first time customers will become their long term customers after receiving their service and care about the Car, finally chooses Patel Motors for all their Auto needs. Patel Motors are dedicated to Auto Repair and to serve the customers with the best quality and value. At Patel Motors, you can get first class car repair with trained mechanics in the Industry. Their high quality certified mechanics use the latest automotive technology and are outfitted to handle all major and minor auto repair services on both Foreign and Domestic Vehicles. Bring your Car today for an examination and see what their commitment to feature is all about. They treat their customers as their friend because you are the one who helps them in developing their business and makes them grow.